Your Time in the Sun: A Brief History of Solar Power

Your Time in the Sun: A Brief History of Solar Power

April 18, 2018

UPS does more than just pack and ship your precious goods. The popular logistics company has announced plans to continue with their commitment to sustainability and using alternative energy by investing nearly $18 million dollars in solar power across eight of their facilities in the United States. But why is such a move making headlines. More [...]

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Google Loonacy: How Tech Companies Are Restoring A Ravaged Puerto Rico

Google Loonacy: How Tech Companies Are Restoring A Ravaged Puerto Rico

November 20, 2017

On September 20th, Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria a mere two weeks after a brush with another hurricane, Irma. Recovery efforts in the ravaged U.S. territory have been lackluster, and many are still without power, water, or communication. Surprisingly, some of the most innovative and enthusiastic support has come from non-traditional sources -- [...]


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Stylish Solar: How Companies are Making Panels Look Pleasant

Stylish Solar: How Companies are Making Panels Look Pleasant

May 31, 2017

The cost of solar energy is declining, and solar panels and batteries are becoming more efficient. In 2017, a number of aesthetically pleasing, technologically fascinating, and economically efficient installations have hit the market. While there are plenty more than what we're addressing here, we’ll be taking a look at ways companies are enticing new customers [...]

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New “Smart Fabric” Collects Energy from the Sun, Wind

New “Smart Fabric” Collects Energy from the Sun, Wind

February 13, 2017

Wearable technology like smart watches might be a growing trend, but what about generating your own power with the clothes on your back? Granted, they haven’t invented solar-harvesting shirts yet, but an international team of nanomaterials scientists and engineers have come up with a “smart fabric” that collects energy from the sun, the wind, and [...]


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This New Photocell Turns CO2 into Fuel, Thinks It’s a Plant

This New Photocell Turns CO2 into Fuel, Thinks It’s a Plant

August 06, 2016

Finally, it looks like we might be able to tap into the process that our leafy cohabitants have been mastering for thousands (if not millions) of years. A research team at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has come up with a new photocell that harnesses the power of artificial photosynthesis, taking carbon dioxide and [...]

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