This New Photocell Turns CO2 into Fuel, Thinks It’s a Plant

This New Photocell Turns CO2 into Fuel, Thinks It’s a Plant

August 06, 2016

Finally, it looks like we might be able to tap into the process that our leafy cohabitants have been mastering for thousands (if not millions) of years. A research team at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has come up with a new photocell that harnesses the power of artificial photosynthesis, taking carbon dioxide and [...]

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How Ecommerce is Cutting Down Shopping’s Carbon Footprint

How Ecommerce is Cutting Down Shopping’s Carbon Footprint

August 05, 2016

Of all the conveniences the 21st century has to offer, online shopping has to be one of the best. From computer, tablet, or smartphone, in just a few clicks, you can order anything from armchairs to zebra-print neckties and have it sent straight to your house. But more orders means more delivery trucks, and more [...]

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